Home Team




Our Regional Leaders each oversee a grouping of states/ provinces where they work with, encourage and support our huddles leaders and promote network events in their region. To help us serve on this team, email philip@smallgroupnetwork.com

Steve Gladen


Derek Olson
SGN Development


Dan Gunadi
Global Strategic Initiatives Director



¡Nuestro equipo de América Latina existe para conectar, animar y apoyar a cientos de miles de Pastores y líderes ministeriales en América Latina! Únase a nuestra comunicada y ayúdenos a hacer crecer este Ministerio. Si está interesado en colaborar con nosotros, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a mauricio@smallgroupnetwork.com

Mauricio A Rojas
Director de America Latina


Tu nombre aquí
Líder Regional, Centroamérica


Camilo Fonseca
Líder Regional, Región Andina Norte


Tu nombre aquí
Líder Regional, Región Andina Sur


Ruben Altamirano
Líder Regional, Cono Sur


José Alves
Líder Regional de Brasil


Tu nombre aquí
Líder Regional de Guayanas


Tu nombre aquí
Líder Regional del Caribe



Cada uno de nuestros líderes regionales supervisa un grupo de estados / provincias donde trabajan, alientan y apoyan a nuestros líderes de HUDDLES y promueven eventos de conexiones en su región. Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a alex@smallgroupnetwork.com

Dr. Gerardo Espejel
RGP, Director Norteamérica en Español


Alex Gonzalez
RGP, Líder regional de Estados Unidos en Español


Manuel Carrillo
RGP, Líder regional de México


Manuel Carrillo

Líder regional de México


+52 686 198 6299


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Manuel

Mexicano y casado con Laura, padre de 2 hijos que también sirven a tiempo completo en el Ministerio; Manuel ha estado en el ministerio como Pastor Principal durante muchos años trabajado con Iglesias Vástago. Consejero Nacional para la Cumbre Global de Liderazgo.  Instructor Senior Master para el DCPI ( Dynamic Church Planting International), Manuel también es  Instructor Certificado por Saddleback para Iglesias Conducidas con  propósito y facilitador en equipos Pastorales.

Peter Mang

Northern Regional Leader

Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

+95 9252899155


To help in this area, please email Peter

Peter T. Mang is the founder and Managing Director of Peter Mang Company Limited, a private family enterprise that is a growing business as mission founded in March 2018. The Company seeks to provide services in livelihoods improvement and family empowerment, family healthcare and caregiver education, executive coaching and leadership development, executive education and professional development, professional psychotherapy and counseling, business solutions and management consulting, missional entrepreneurship ecosystem development, micro and small business development, professional web design and development solutions, and freelance services marketplace.

For more details about Peter T. Mang, please visit www.petermang.com

Steve Gladen




Steve es el Pastor Global de Grupos Pequeños de la Iglesia Saddleback desde 1998. Supervisa el lanzamiento estratégico y el desarrollo de más de 7,000 grupos pequeños en múltiples campus. Es autor de Grupos Pequeños con Propósito, que ha sido traducido a ocho idiomas hasta la fecha, y Liderando Grupos Pequeños con Propósito. Conferencista frecuente y consultor de líderes de iglesias tanto en los Estados Unidos como en todo el mundo. Steve es apasionado de la idea de ver a cada asistente a una iglesia conectado con un Pastor calificado relación que lo llevará a convertirse en una parte integral del cuerpo de su iglesia, viviendo con propósito para Cristo. Steve también es el Fundador de Red de Grupos Pequeños (RGP) y actualmente dirige y supervisa todas las iniciativas de esta organización. Graduado de Estudios Bíblicos con mención en Griego y Filosofía en 1982, de Evangel University y una Maestría del Seminario de Estudios Teológicos Fuller en 1985. Steve y su esposa Lisa están casados desde 1989 y tienen dos hijos, Erika y Ethan.

Tihomir Tenev

Eastern Europe Regional Leader

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia

+359 89 9822722


To help in this area, please email Tihomir

Tihomir Tenev was born and grew up in a pastors’ family. He graduated Bible collage in 1991 in England after which he joined a team in Bulgaria for a mass evangelism. In 1993 he started his ministry as a pastor in his native city – Sliven. In 1995 for the first time he heard about the cell church structure through small groups ministry and recognizes it as the strategy God gives for the church today. Tihomir's heart is to see the Church of Christ today strong and functioning in its full potential. He believes that a healthy church should be growing fathers and disciples who make other disciples and through whom the next generation will be able to receive at least a double portion. Tihomir also serves as Eastern Europe Regional Leader for the Small Group Network and he has started a movement of small groups all over Bulgaria with the heart of planting more and more churches through fathering and making disciples through the life of small groups ministry!

Eurasia Director

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus , Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Dan Gunadi

Director de Iniciativas Estratégicas Globales


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Dan

Como director de iniciativas estratégicas globales, Dan se conectará con cada director global; asegurándonos de mantenernos alineados, compartir los aprendizajes entre nosotros y ayudar a mantener los objetivos de nuestra Misión en cada región del mundo. Dan cuenta con una gran experiencia en el Equipo Global en el ministerio, ventas y operaciones estratégicas.

Daniel (Dan) Gunadi llegó a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía 14 años y se alejó tanto de la iglesia como de su familia. Se sintió avergonzado, rechazado y sin propósito. Pero luego, a través del servicio en el Ministerio, el Señor se encontró con él y transformó su corazón. Ahora vive en California con su esposa (Win) y dos hijos (Gregory y Phillip). Luego de recibir a Cristo en 1986, Dan estudió Apologética Cristiana en la Universidad Simon Greenleaf, California. Su vida ha girado en torno y ha sido directamente impactada por Small Group Network. Organizó su primer grupo pequeño hace más de 32 años con sus amigos de la universidad. Dan ha estado sirviendo activamente con la iglesia Saddleback desde 2004 en varias capacidades, incluyendo Líder de la Comunidad de Grupos Pequeños, Campeón de Membresía / Conexión (Pastoral Laica), Campeón de Ministerio, y donde Dios lo llame para servir. Dan es miembro fundador del John Maxwell Team, una comunidad global de élite de entrenadores, instructores y oradores certificados en desarrollo de liderazgo. Dan es un emprendedor en serie y se desempeña como socio gerente en varias empresas de tecnología global y organizaciones educativas internacionales.

Daniel Ang

Southeast Asia Director

Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam



To help in this area, please email Daniel

Daniel is serving as an international community leader in Saddleback Church, California. He has been involved in small group for almost 20 years. He found his extended spiritual family and met his wife through small group. Being a small group host also brings him more connection to the church family. He’s also serving as a children leader in Bible Study Fellowship. He has a heart to serve for singles, marriage couple and children. His life purpose is to bring more young generations to experience and have personal relationship with God. Daniel and his wife, Anny, are both business owners and entrepreneurs. His family lives in Orange County, California.

Sean Lee

East Asia Director

China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan



To help in this area, please email Sean

Sean Lee, PH.D & MBA, has over 25 years’ experience specializing in global strategy and management, board advisement and C-level executive roles for multinational business enterprise, tech ventures and startups. He has been making devotional efforts to integrate Christian faith into business and work disciplines and for Great commissions. He has been making devotional efforts to integrate Christian faith into business and work disciplines and for Great commissions. He organized international seminars and business missions by working with missionaries around the world including Russia and Indonesia, China, Vietnam and Turkey, served a church mission committee developing policies and procedures and bi-annual mission conventions to mobilize Christian missions, participated in global leadership training of Global PEACE program at Saddleback church, served as a board member of Faith and Worklife, and has advised and mentored to MBA and business school program at Crowell school of Business of Biol University

JJ Jackson

Team Africa


JJ is a Steering Elder and Pastor of Small Groups at Harvest Christian Church, a resource Church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. JJ heads up a Huddle as well as trying to aid as much of South Africa and the country to Share the resource and training to empower Small Group Leaders, and develop the SGN in the regions. He is passionate about sharing what God has taught us to empower the local churches, and align them with the vision of the local church. JJ is also a Coffee snob, surfer and has completed 5 full Ironman races.

Arnold Kirubi

East Africa Regional Leader

Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda



To help in this area, please email Arnold

Arnold serves as the Lead Pastor of Beulah Community Church in Kenya, and has led small groups ministry since 2003. He is passionate about helping believers mature in their faith and in their walk with Christ. Arnold will be working with pastors and churches in East Africa to help them develop spiritually healthy small groups. 

Manie Groenewald

Southern Africa Regional Leader

Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe



To help in this area, please email Manie

Manie is leading the Lyttelton East Church on the southern side of the capitol, Pretoria, in South Africa. As the Country Leader for South Africa, Manie helps small group point leaders throughout the country to get excited about small group ministry in their respective churches, helps leaders to start new huddles and to get connected to one another for mutual support and sharing from their meaningful experiences around small group ministry. 

Mauricio A Rojas

Director de América Latina

Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and The Caribbean Islands



Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Mauricio

Mauricio vive en Costa Rica y es miembro de la comunidad en línea de la Iglesia Saddleback. Su pasión es servir a Dios apoyando y equipando a pastores y líderes de grupos pequeños en América Latina con las herramientas y la capacitación que les permitirá desarrollar grupos pequeños más saludables mientras crecen numéricamente. Él realmente cree que los grupos pequeños pueden tener un impacto en la vida de las personas, involucrándolas en una relación más profunda con Dios. Desde hace más de 4 años, Mauricio y su esposa han abierto su casa para albergar y liderar un grupo pequeño de parejas. A Mauricio le encantan las nuevas tecnologías, pero lo más importante para él es disfrutar del tiempo con familiares y amigos. Él y su esposa Susy tienen dos hijas, Marissa (15) e Isabella (12); les gusta estar al aire libre y salir a cenar en familia.

Alex Gonzalez

Líder regional de Estados Unidos en Español

United States of America



Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Alex

Ciudadano estadounidense salvadoreño. 32 años de matrimonio. Tres niños. Pastor en la Ciudad de Los Ángeles, California Sur Central durante 20 años. Por 27 años ha trabajado en la ciudad con Alianzas Pastorales. Conocemos al ministro de Saddleback desde hace 10 años y trabajan junto al equipo, enfocados en el bienestar de las iglesias.

Dennis Funk

Eastern Canada Regional Leader

Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec



To help in this area, please email Dennis

Dennis serves as the Director of Ministry Resources & Small Groups Network for The Navigators of Canada. He oversees the Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime provinces.

Adam Workman

SoCal/ Hawaii Regional Leader

Hawaii, Southern California



To help in this area, please email Adam

Adam is the Small Groups Pastor at Sandals Church in Riverside, CA. He oversees the Southern California/Hawaii Region of the SGN.

Brian Brunke

South Central Regional Leader

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas



To help in this area, please email Brian

Brian serves as an Operations Pastor for Small Groups at Parkway Fellowship Church, TX and an adjunct professor at the Bible Seminary in Katy, TX. As the South-Central Region Leader, he serves Texas and Louisiana state area. In his spare time, Brian enjoysspending time with his wife and three daugthers, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors hunting and fishing.

Heather Lee

Norcal/ NW Regional Leader

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming



Heather is the Groups Director at Crossroads Grace Community Church in Manteca, CA. She is passionate about helping other grow and serves on our team as the Northern California Regional Leader. Heather loves coffee, time with friends and going on adventures! She and her husband Seth have two kids, Rudy (11) and Cassie (13); they enjoy being outdoors and making each other laugh.

Mark Kendall

North Central Regional Leader

Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin



To help in this area, please email Mark

As North Central Region Leader, Mark serves Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Philip Byers

North America Director

United States of America and Canada



To help in this area, please email Philip

Philip is the Executive Pastor at Historic church in Dallas, Texas where he pastors the small group ministry. God used small groups to greatly change his life. His greatest passion is to help people discover their identity and calling in Jesus and then live it out! 

Tracey Ware

Oceania Director

Australia, East Timor, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu



To help in this area, please email Tracey

Tracey has a heart and passion for small group ministry which goes back to her teenage years. It was in a small group that she was mentored, challenged and encouraged in her Christian walk. She believes that small groups have amazing (often unleashed) potential to impact not only the local church but our world! ?Tracey is an ordained pastor and has had many years’ experience in small group ministry in both NSW and Victoria – (Australia). She is currently the Pastor for Life Groups at Syndal Baptist Church. She was a guest presenter at the Twelve Conference in April 2015, and also established the first SGN Huddle in Australia in Sept 2015. (Melbourne VIC). Tracey is married to David and has two young adult sons. 

Southeast Region

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee

Your Name Here

Central Regional Leader

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

Western Canada Regional Leader

Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Yukon


To help in this area, please email Philip

Dr. Gerardo Espejel

Director Norteamérica en Español

United States of America



Casado desde hace 30 años con Rosy Castro, 2 hijos adultos Jesica (28) y Sergio (26) ambos profesionales y líderes en la iglesia.
• Pastor con diferentes posiciones en una sola iglesia durante más de 25 años y ahora pastor principal de la Iglesia Para Todos, una iglesia fundada hace 5 años.
• La Iglesia para Todos es una iglesia no denominacional impulsada por un propósito.
• Presidente de Zona Alternativa AC, una asociación civil con la visión de motivar, equipar y edificar la iglesia. Más de 20 años organizando eventos masivos para la iglesia, sin fines de lucro
• Director de Marketing y Tecnología desde 1990 de Acuario Fitness Center, una de las mayores empresas deportivas del noroeste del país.
• Lic. Mercadeo, M. Ministerios Pastorales, Dr. Teología, Certificado como orador por John Maxwell Team.

Líder Regional, Centroamérica

Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Mauricio

Camilo Fonseca

Lider Regional, Andina Norte

Colombia, Venezuela

+57 3202750922


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Camilo

Camilo Fonseca vive en Barranquilla, Colombia, donde reside con su Mary su esposa y sus hijos Juan Camilo (18) y Ana (15). Ama servir a Dios y a los demás y disfruta pasar tiempo junto a su familia. Especializado en Gerencia de Mercadeo. Ha realizado diplomados en coaching, gerencia de proyectos, cursos en Liderazgo de la innovación, además está certificado en Coaching, conferencista y liderazgo en The John Maxwell Team. Realizó estudios teológicos en el instituto bíblico IBLI- FACTER de su iglesia en el cual también es maestro hace más de 20 años.

Se ha desarrollado profesionalmente en diferentes organizaciones en el ámbito de la consultoría, acompaña a mas de 200 líderes voluntarios en la iglesia que pastorea desde hace 17 años. Cree en la premisa de hacer crecer la iglesia haciéndola más pequeña a través de los grupos pequeños.

Líder Regional, Región Andina Sur

Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Mauricio


Ruben Altamirano

Lider Regional, Cono Sur

Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay

+54 9 11 3008 2648


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Ruben

Rubén es Pastor de Conexiones de Saddleback Church en Buenos Aires, Argentina desde el año 2016, acompañando a las personas a comprender el significado de la Membresía de la Iglesia local y pastorear al equipo de Grupos Pequeños del Campus. Apasionado por el Señor y su Iglesia, se ha formado y desempeñado como Bibliotecario profesional durante gran parte de su vida. Actualmente se encuentra realizando un Master en Estudios Teológicos en el Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary en Forth Worth, Texas. También es un apasionado por la docencia y por ello es profesor en Tecnologías aplicadas a Bibliotecas en un Instituto de Formación superior para Bibliotecas y también en el Seminario de Liderazgo Avanzado de La Alameda de la materia “Creando Comunidad”, alcanzando así a Pastores y Líderes de Argentina, Chile y otros países de América Latina.

Su familia esta compuesta por su esposa Cecilia, su hija Ailén de 2 años y su perro Theo, quienes alegran cada día de su vida.

Fernando Mewengkang

Southern Regional Leader

Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore

+62 812-2237-2237


Fernando Mewengkang was the Senior Pastor of an Indonesian church in Seoul, Korea (2000-2014), before deciding to return to Indonesia with a call to train and equip church leaders.  He completed a Master of Theology (Th.M) in the field of Mission from Chongsin University.  At present, he is pastoring the Galilee Church in Jakarta, and is also entrusted with the position of PDC Indonesia Coordinator.

José Alves

Lider Regional, Brasil


+55 54 8406-3245


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a José
José Alves es Pastor en la Iglesia Assembléia de Deus en Gramado en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul en Brasil, lugar donde reside con su esposa Analice y sus hijos Quemuel, Filipe y Valentina.

Desde los 16 años ha estado relacionado a diferentes ministerios que incluyen Cruzadas evangelísticas, Plantación de iglesias, Comunicación por radio y televisión, la fundación de una escuela de formación misional y Capacitación de pastores y líderes en Brasil, Uruguay, Europa y África.
Su iglesia forma parte de la iniciativa del plan PEACE, y José ha trabajado apoyando inglesias en Mozambique.
José es un investigador del área de misión urbana, tema sobre el que también ha escrito un libro.

José Alves é pastor da Igreja da Assembléia de Deus em Gramado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, onde reside com sua esposa Analice e seus filhos Quemuel, Filipe e Valentina.

Desde a idade de 16 anos ele tem sido relacionado a diferentes ministérios que incluem cruzadas evangelísticas, plantação de igrejas, comunicação de rádio e televisão, a fundação de uma escola de treinamento missionário e treinamento de pastores e líderes no Brasil, Uruguai, Europa e África.
A sua igreja faz parte da iniciativa PEACE, e José tem trabalhado apoiando igrejas em Moçambique.
José é pesquisador na área de missão urbana, assunto sobre o qual também escreveu um livro.

Líder Regional de Guayanas

French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Mauricio

Líder Regional del Caribe

Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and The Caribbean Islands


Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Mauricio

Do Youl Kim

South Korea Regional Leader

South Korea


To help in this area, please email Do Youl Kim

Do Youl Kim is a church choir member, teaches high school students at Seoul Church, and serves as Elder and the head of the Church school. He was born and raised in a third-generation Christian family and serves as President of Hansung CBMC in Korea. He previously served as a Governor of Rotary club in South Korea as President of Hana Laser.

Africa Director

Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, DRC, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe


To help in this area, please email Steve

West Africa Regional Leader

Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, The Gambia

North Africa Regional Leader

Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara


To help in this area, please email Steve

Carlos Diaz

Lider Regional de Norte América de Habla Hispana

United States of America



Si desea ayudarnos a formar parte de este equipo, envíe un correo electrónico a Carlos

Nacido en El Salvador, siguiendo la pasión de su Padre obtuvo su licenciatura en agricultura y ganó becas para posgrados en Estados Unidos e Israel, triunfó como ejecutivo de agronegocios en su país. Criado y casado como católico, se enamoró de la doctrina carismática, siguiendo su pasión por Dios que lo movió a decidir nacer de nuevo y se bautizó al final de sus veintes en una iglesia bautista conocida como Tabernáculo Central en San Salvador. En 2004 se mudó a Los Ángeles y trabajó en un bufete de abogados donde se convirtió en un empleado exitoso y de alto nivel, en la primavera de su proyecto, Dios lo llamó a ser el fundador del Tabernáculo de Los Ángeles, inspiró y guió a dicha iglesia. Esta vez, para adaptarse a su nuevo rol, estudió teología obteniendo su maestría en Harvest University y continuó en Golden Gate University. Ahora, durante más de 12 años continúa liderando Taber LA, y desde 2012 adoptó la visión de Iglesia con Propósito, y está orgulloso de que la sede de Taber LA sea parte de las iglesias en la red que sirven para capacitar líderes y pastores para la comunidad hispana en el sur de California.

South Asia Director

Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldives

Norcal / Northwest Regional Leader

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Norcal, Oregon, Washington


To help in this area, please email Phillip

Jeff Sobczak

Mountain Regional Leader

Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah



To help in this area, please email Jeff

Jeff and his wife Tracy have a daughter Christy and son-in-law Kyle and 3 grandchildren; Cruz (4), Knox (2) and newborn Kinsley (6-4-19). Their adult son Brandon entered heaven in November 2013 (He died from a deadly infection). Jeff has served as the small group point person/small group pastor at 2 churches in Tucson, Arizona. He has a Master of Ministry Leadership Degree from Rockbridge University. Jeff is also a Michigan State graduate; Tracy and he are avid Spartan basketball and football fans.

Southern Europe Regional Leader

Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Macedonia, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain


To help in this area, please email Ben

Northern Europe Regional Leader

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom


To help in this area, please email Ben

Western Europe Regional Leader

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland


To help in this area, please email Ben

Middle East Director

Bahrain, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen


To help in this area, please email Steve

Central Africa Regional Leader

Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon


To help in this area, please email Steve

Cynthia Considine

Pinterest Manager & New Huddle Specialist



Cynthia serves as the Small Groups Coordinator at Grace Community Church in Fulton, Maryland. Cynthia serves the SGN by managing the Pinterest page, leading the Central MD Huddle and serving as the Atlantic Coast Regional Leader supporting the states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Cynthia lives in Baltimore, Maryland with her husband Darin and their puggle Hemingway

Stefan Waldmann

Western Europe Regional Leader

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland

+41 79 789 35 44


Stefan spent 6 years with his family in Congo DRC as a missionary pilot and preacher, then after having lived through a forced evacuation due to the war, he invested himself body and soul in the Geneva Bible Society at the headquarters in Switzerland, first as marketing and sales manager for almost 20 years, and since then as export sales manager. At the same time, since 2003, his passion having always been the development of churches that have an impact in today's society and in having an intentional process of discipleship training, he started the ministry Motivé par l’Essentiel that translates and publishes the French products of the Purpose Driven movement. His passion is to challenge people to get into a small group and to be balanced in their Christian lives. He likes to travel for leisure but also to do seminars in the French world (Europe and Africa). He is actively participating in Church life in Lausanne and also with his wife in a small group. He is speaking French, German, English and Dutch. He lives near Lausanne in Switzerland and is married to Nelly for 32 years who is Dutch and has 2 grown up sons who follow the Lord and a terrific daughter in law. His married son is just starting to pastor a church.

Kiersten Telzerow




Kiersten Telzerow vive en el área de Washington, DC con su esposo, Matt, y su mascota Luna! Kiersten se desempeña como directora de grupos pequeños en uno de los campus de la National Community Church y es estudiante de Maestría en Divinidad en Wesley Seminary de Indiana Wesleyan University. Le encanta estar en comunidad con la gente y conocer sus historias. Cuando Kiersten no está estudiando, lo que más le gusta hacer es pasar tiempo con familiares y amigos, probar nuevos cafés, asistir a conferencias de liderazgo o leer un libro nuevo. Ella ama todo lo relacionado con los grupos pequeños y cree que nunca debimos existir solos: ¡la comunidad siempre es mejor!

Greg Anderson

Southeast Regional Leader

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee



To help in this area, please email Greg

Greg currently serves as the Pastor of Community Life at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. He and his wife Joannie have been enjoying life together since 1987. While raising three awesome kids, they have been blessed to serve together to support small group ministry in their local churches.  Greg also served in the development of Celebrate Recovery’s national network from 2001 - 2006.  When not hanging out with his grandkids, he most enjoys coaching football and building cool stuff in his garage.

Brian Naess

Midwest Regional Leader

Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio



To help in this area, please email Brian

Brian and his wife Sarah have three children (10, 12, and 15). They enjoy day trips, camping, and spending time with family and friends. Brian serves as the small groups pastor at Violet Baptist Church in Pickerington, Ohio. He loves small groups because he enjoys connecting people to community.

Oluwadare (Joseph) Kolawole

West Africa Regional Leader

Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda



To help in this area, please email Joseph

Joseph Kolawole is the lead pastor of the island branch of Global Harvest Church and also serves as the executive assistant to the senior pastor of Global Harvest Church. He is passionate about serving his gift to ensure that’s God’s people attain their highest potential. He teaches the word with so much clarity and simplicity and this has endeared many of the parishioners to him. In addition to his work as a full time minister of the gospel in the last 13 years, he also sit on the board of a few businesses because of his drive for entrepreneurship. He believes that we as believers should never be trapped by our titles as we give expression to all God has placed in us. His passion for small groups spans from how he was raised spiritually through small groups and intimate fellowship. He’s taught and trained several small group leaders and point persons within the ministry he serves.
He’s married to Opeyemi who is also a co laborer in the work of the ministry and their union is blessed with a son.

Dharshan Fernando

South Asia Director

Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldives

(+94)77 7702 115


To help in this area, please email Dharshan

Pastor Dharshan Fernando has been in full time ministry for over 30 years at People’s Church Assembly of God, Colombo Sri Lanka and currently serves as the Deputy Senior Pastor. Small Groups are synonymous with The People’s Church which has over 700 groups that meet weekly. As a missionary, he has been involved in church planting and missions both locally and overseas. He is also on the Council of Colombo Theological Seminary from where he obtained his Bachelor of Theology and Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies. He is married to Deepika who is also a pastor at People’s Church and leads Kidz Klubz - a community based children’s programme for those in the 4-14 window. They have two sons Dhilhan (22) and Dhanuk (20).

David Holzmann

Twitter Manager


David Serves as the Adult Group Life Associate at Ellerslie Road Baptist Church in Edmonton, Alberta. Up in the Great White Canadian North. He provides Leadership to Small Groups, Semester Groups, Young Adults, Social Media and Production Teams. He is a member of the Edmonton Area SGN Huddle. David is Passionate about Connecting people into relationship with one another, and into communities and teams. He believes in the life changing power of a strong authentic community of believers. David and his Wife Madi enjoy trying as many new restaurants as they can, and when not hitting up the latest spot David Enjoys Long-boarding and Boards Games.

Ben Benjamin

Europe Director

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Macedonia, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom



To help in this area, please email Ben

Ben is a native of Southern California and loves his wife, family, and the ocean. Ben has been blessed with the gift of innovation and the spirit of a connector. He & his wife have been involved with various ministry projects in Germany since 2015 and are passionate about serving the global church. He has a heart for communities seeking healthy relationships with Jesus and is excited to help build & support small group leaders in Europe.

John Mozingo

Mid Atlantic Regional Leader

Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia



To help in this area, please email John

John Mozingo is the Connect Group Pastor at Park Valley Church in Haymarket, Virginia. He has served for many years as both and educator and pastor in music and discipleship. He possesses a passion for connecting people to the church through small groups and loves coaching other churches to do the same. John lives in Warrenton, Virginia with his wife, Melinda, and their five children.

Derek Olson

Desarrollador RGP



¡A Derek le encanta el espresso, el aire libre, formar equipos y disfrutar de la comunidad con la familia de Dios! Ha estado activo en el ministerio de grupos pequeños desde 2004 y se desempeña como pastor de desarrollo de redes en la iglesia Saddleback.